The Ministers Council

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Money for Excellence in Ministry Chapters.

Honoring Excellence in Ministry

A New Kind of Preacher.

A New Kind of Preacher. © 2016. Northern Seminary, Lisle, Illinois.

. . . whatever is true, whatever is honorable, . . . whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
—Philippians 4: 8-9

Remembering and Honoring our Cloud of Witnesses

The last few years have been difficult for us all in distinct ways. Caring for others has brought such new and difficult challenges. Our clients and patients have known new levels of isolation and despair. Our church members suffer these as well. Ministers across the country feel the strain of finding new ways to reach those in need. More than ever, we need each other and strong bonds of collegial support.

Who comes to mind as you think about excellence in ministry?

We invite you to give a gift here in honor of those minister(s) whom God has used to support or inspire you--presently or in the past. God provides strength and guidance as we call to mind the lessons we've learned about creativity, faithfulness and resilience from these servants of God.

Give a Gift to Honor a Colleague

We invite you to write a brief tribute as you make a gift in honor of him or her. Your tribute will be placed among those recognized and honored here on this website. All gifts collected will be used to encourage ministry competence, collegiality, and centeredness through the Excellence in Ministry Fund.

Donate to the Excellence in Ministry Fund

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