Contact Us

Interim Program Administrator
The Reverend Jacki Belile is serving as Interim Program Administrator. A member
of the Ministers Council since the mid-1990s, Rev. Jacki Belile has served in
various elected roles in the Metro Chicago chapter and national Leadership Team
since 2013. (Most recently, she concluded eight years of service on the national
team.) Ordained in 1999, she has served four churches to date (twice as sabbatical
pastor) and presently serves Eden UCC in Chicago. Since 2007, she's ministered
as a life coach, spiritual director and church consultant at Living Well
Ministries. She lives in Chicago with her partner of 36 years.
Ministers Council ABCUSA
221 South High Street
West Chester, PA 19382
Office Hours
Tuesday–Friday, 2:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. Central
Other times by appointment
Click here for info on our national Leadership Team and info on their support of chapter and clergy grants, chapter development and support, and more.