The Ministers Council

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The Hub for Clergy Well-Being

Reasons to Join

Four people standing outside

Together, members of the Ministers Council create a culture of Christ-centered excellence in ministry through programs which nurture Collegiality, Competence and Centeredness. Your dues support our frugal operations necessary to support a largely volunteer-led organization.

Together, We Nurture

Together, We Advocate

Building on the foundations of the previous generations, we also seek to advocate for ministers' needs today in our varied and challenging climate.

Recent projects include revisions to our shared Covenant and Code of Ethics and ongoing book studies, MC Live Webinars, Chapter Reps' meetings and grants given for Together in Ministry Groups and Chapter Events.

We are near completion of the Learning Guide companion to the Code of Ethics, and are presently envisioning a "Wellness Hub" to be based here at our website.

Please join us today, and experience the joy of the ministry journey known in community.

Additional reasons for Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors to join the Ministers Council.

Join or Renew Your Membership to the National Ministers Council and Your Local or Specialized Chapter

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