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Denominational Resources

These resources are gathered from across the Web. Please note that web pages sometimes disappear or cease operation. To report a broken link, or to suggest a resource, please use the Contact Us form. We are especially looking for resources in languages other than English and that reflect the diverse cultural contexts of our national family. Please note that all resources are provided for informational purposes only. Inclusion of a resource does not constitute endorsement by the Ministers Council, nor do we make any guarantees about the accuracy of information on any external link.

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Official ABCUSA documents, news about the denomination, resources for churches and leaders, and more.


International Ministries, also known as the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, works cross-culturally to invite people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and to proclaim, through both word and deed, God’s reign of justice, peace and abundant life for all creation.


American Baptist Personnel Services, Judson Press, financial aid for seminarians and continuing ed, as well as a host of print and online resources for ministers and congregations. Some resources available in Spanish, Karen, Chinese, French, and other languages.


MMBB is a nonprofit Christian organization serving churches and faith-based organizations since 1911. Our business is retirement benefits, our expertise is the church and religious world—and we serve more than 17,000 members across a wide range of denominations.


American Baptist Women in Ministry provides Advocacy and resources for women in ministry.

ABW English and Spanish

American Baptist Women's Ministries is a diverse community of American Baptist women and girls serving in ministry in Christ's name. With local, area, region/state, and national levels of ministry, AB Women's Ministries creates a community of passionately faithful, mission-minded women and girls engaged in worship, service, and friendship.

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